This week The Squat begins playing our promo for the upcoming September protests against the War in Iraq and against globalization durign the Fall meetings of the IMF and World Bank.
Protests begin with a Critical Mass bike ride leaving Dupont Circle at 6:30PM on Friday, September 23. On Saturday, S24 there will be huge marches against the war and the bank, and on MondayS26 there will be direct action all over the city aimed at the Iraq war and its supporters.
This series of actions is on the weekend of the IMF and World Bank meetings, and direct actions will also take place during the weekend targetting those meetings. With the recent passage of CAFTA, it has never been more clear that the Pentagon's war and the alphabet soup trade deals/agencies are like two wings of the same flesh-devouring bird of death that is eating our world alive, and should be protested as a single opponent.
About CAFTA: we emphasize in our CAFTA piece that pro-CAFTA regimes must be let know that the US will be unable to bail them out if ratifying CAFTA leads to renewed insurgency or a Bolivian solution.
We remind listeners of what happened in 1988, when Reagan attempted to invade Nicaragua, sending troops to Honduras as a staging area. Protests erupted in over 130 cities, and three weeks later the invasion was called off in disgrace, and the troops brought home.