Book Release Party for: A Popular Guide To Building a Community FM Broadcast Station
Free Radio Berkeley
Media Release
For Immediate Release: Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005 - 7 PM –Free
AK Press
674 23rd. Street
Oakland, CA
Book Release Party for: A Popular Guide To Building a Community FM Broadcast Station
Have you ever thought about setting up a small FM broadcast station for your community and considered such an endeavor much too involved and expensive? This book demonstrates that it is not - and, it will inspire you to make the effort. Of all the media and communications technologies, radio is the most accessible and democratic. By asserting your right to communicate, you become part of the struggle for free speech, resisting the privatization of yet another public resource, the broadcast airwaves. If you can not communicate, you can not organize; if you can not organize, you can not fight back; and, if you can not fight back, you have no hope of winning.
Illustrated and written by T.J. Enrile in conjunction with Free Radio Berkeley, it is a graphic guide reflective of the popular education style prevalent in Latin America. T.J. is a student in Multimedia Studies at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, California. A Spanish version is available as well. Published by Can of Worms Publishing, a project of Free Radio Berkeley, it is the first in a series of planned popular guides on DIY media.
T.J. and folks from Free Radio Berkeley will talk about this book and current projects to empower people with the skills, knowledge, technology and ability to build and set up their own community radio stations. There will be a special report on Project TUPA (Transmitters Uniting the Peoples of the Americas) and a very recent trip to Venezuela to discuss free radio/TV projects in Latin America with a variety of groups and organizations and demonstrate the technology of free radio and TV transmission.
Live musical performance by Folk This!
Stephen Dunifer
Free Radio Berkeley