By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 August, 2005
Dan Roberts

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (August 19) is up at the website
< >in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (3.3MB) (28:44)

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
From CHINA-Russia and China have begun a joint military practice in three locations. The US has been in touch with N Korea during a recess in the 6-party talks. The US government is sending assessment teams to Israel to determine new aid for developments in Galilee and Negev. On Wednesday an Israeli settler shot dead 3 Palestinian civilians in an attempt to disrupt the Gaza pullout.
From NETHERLANDS- In Peru, the Economy Minister has been moved to Prime Minister following the worst crisis in President Toledo's reign- Toledo had chosen a Foreign Minister who supported the legalization of coca farming in parts of the Andes, causing his cabinet to resign.
From CUBA- The US has made it clear that it doesn't approve of Paraguay's President Duarte associating with Venezuela's President Chavez. As part of the World Youth Festival in Venezuela, the US was found guilty of crimes against humanity in a model trial. Leaked documents show the coverup of what really happened when the innocent Brazilian was murdered by London police in the subway. Then a Viewpoint on the Gaza pullout.
From RUSSIA- An analysis on what Israel gains by completing the pullout from Gaza. Then an analysis of why British police officials are certain that there will be more terrorist attacks in England. Finally a commentary on the differences in approach between European nations and the US in dealing with Iran's nuclear development.

      All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, iTunes, etc) you have on your computer.
This program will be aired on Friday evening at 7pm (PST) on KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via
There are several other streams that work better- < >Freak Radio Santa Cruz now streams this program on Friday at 9:00am (PST)
Also check out LavaLamp Radio (Japan)-
streaming the SWR, check out the schedule.
And the Partytown streams are great and informative- I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I am still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put into this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations rebroadcasting this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production costs. You can do so through the website. Many thanks to those that have donated! No Guilt! (maybe a little)
link for broadcast edition-
< >(13.3MB)
link for smaller file and streaming-
< >
       ¡FurthuR!      Dan Roberts
--The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.
George Orwell

PO Box 1162 Willits CA 95490
707 459-1760