By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 September, 2012
Michael Slate


“A Story of Pain, Treachery and Deceit: Rape, More Rape and Pillaging the Future”

Andrea Strong of End Pornography and Patriarchy: the Enslavement & Degradation of Women, talks about her article "Rape is NEVER the Victim's Fault, and digs into the culture of rape in the U.S. and the fight against it and to change the world.

Riley Waggaman, writer and former editor of, reveals Obama's contrasting stands on rape as shown in his response to the asinine comments by Rep. Todd Akin and Obama's own refusal to condemn the rape and sexual assault at US military prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Debra Sweet, National Director, World Can't Wait, talks about the upcoming election season, the poisonous lure of Obama and a new 12 Step Program to held overcome the peculiar addiction to "voting for the lesser evil" instead of taking to the streets to fight the power and change the world.