Labor Day in Maine, Then and Now (link to audio)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 September, 2005
RadioActive (Maine)

A historical look at Labor Day in Maine. Jack McKay gives an overview starting from one of the first Labor Day celebrations in Bangor, Maine in 1905, to the present day.

Labor Day in Maine, Then
and Now

Originally broadcast September 1, 2005

A historical look at Labor Day in Maine. Jack McKay gives an overview starting
from one of the first Labor Day celebrations in Bangor, Maine in 1905, to the
present day.

Also Jimmy Cook discusses the upcoming fair trade fest in Bangor, Maine on
September 10th.


(80kbps stereo mp3)


RadioActive is a grassroots environmental and social justice news radio journal
hosted by Amy Browne and Meredith DeFrancesco and heard Thursdays from 4:00
- 4:30 pm on WERU FM 89.9 and 102.9 Bangor, Maine in the United States.

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