This Way Out: Manning's mea culpa + more global LGBT news

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 August, 2013
Overnight Productions (Inc.)


This Way Out #1,325 Program Rundown:

Special "Wizard of Oz" prelude, then opening teases/theme music/intro continuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:20

SEGMENT #1 – "NewsWrap": In a precedent-setting lawsuit, professional Massachusetts-based homophobe Scott Lively is ordered to stand trial in U.S. federal court for "fomenting" crimes against humanity in Uganda; the California Supreme Court drives the final nail into the coffin of the state's marriage equality-banning Proposition 8 [with a brief "Wizard of Oz" drop-in]; Germany's Protestant Church sanctions its first marriage ceremony for a same-gender couple; the International Olympic Committee vows to punish any athlete at the Sochi Winter Games in February who violates Russia's law banning "gay propaganda", prominent Russian TV newscaster Anton Krasovsky comes out on the air and is promptly fired, and a few competitors at this week's track and field Moscow Athletics World Championships test the "no promo homo law"; out Puerto Rican pro featherweight boxer Orlando Cruz announces his engagement; and World Wresting Entertainment (WWE) Superstar DARREN YOUNG casually comes out to "TMZ" [with excerpts] (written by GREG GORDON, produced by STEVE PRIDE, and reported this week by JENN MAHONEY & JASON PROCTOR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:52

SEGMENT #2 - "TWO" Web promo (voiced by LUCIA CHAPPELLE with music by SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :48

SEGMENT #3 – Billboard for Manning coverage [:05] + Marriage equality sings out in the U.S. states of MINNESOTA and RHODE ISLAND in these "RAINBOW MINUTES" (ready by TALIA MOSER and produced at WRIR-FM in Richmond, VA by JUDD PROCTOR & BRIAN BURNS, and with brief intro music by JOHN LENNON and THE DIXIE CUPS) [2:18] + "TWO" I.D. by Irish duo ZRAZY (intro’d by a snippet from their anthem "Come Out Everybody")
[:18] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:41

SEGMENT #4 – The sentencing phase in the case of U.S. Army Private BRADLEY MANNING reached its climax this week when the 25-year-old whistleblower took the stand. Manning's unsworn statement was prefaced by testimony from family members and expert witnesses. The first of two reports comes from ALICE OLLSTEIN of "Free Speech Radio News" (with comments by Firedoglake reporter KEVIN GOSZTOLA); Manning himself spoke for only about three minutes, saying, "I'm sorry that my actions hurt people and I am sorry that I hurt the United States." He made reference to the fact that he was "dealing with a lot of issues" but said it was no excuse, and that he had not understood the "broader effects" of his actions. He asked the judge to let him have the opportunity to become a better person and eventually return to a productive place in society -- rather than spend all of the 90 years in prison he faces. While some called Manning's apology a reversal, independent journalist ALEXA O'BRIEN had a different view. She spoke with "Democracy Now!'s" NERMEEN SHAIKH and AMY GOODMAN (with brief intro music by THE BEATLES). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:55

SEGMENT #5 - "You've been listening to 'TWO'" I.D. by CHRIS FREEMAN of PANSY DIVISION (intro'd by a snippet from their "That's So Gay") . . . :38

Closing Credits/continuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:38

TOTAL PROGRAM TIME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:52

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