By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 September, 2005

If it can be used to kidnapp Americans (and called "arrests"), certainly it can be used to IMPEACH.......

                                     COURT OF ARBITRATION
                                      J.C. COLLEGE OF LAW
                                       UNIGLOE UNIVERSITY
                                    BAPTIST, LOUISIANA 70401
                         {Fed. Id. #72-1076725; La.Lic. #34210320N}

                            ADJUDICATION, RULING, AND ORDER

       The J.C. College of Law, Court of Arbitration, of Unigloe University* (THE
NATION'S ONLY FULLY-LEGAL JURYLESS COURT**, until implementation of the
Scientific Government Training Programs entailed in the initial lawsuits occurs), hereby finds that George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush, and Kathleen Blanco, minimally, were found to be Guilty of Misprision, Malfeasance in Office, and Derrelection of Duty (from the U.S. Constitution-opposing effort in Kuwait---which failed to establish representative-government there [mandatory district jury trials], as was possible, without further-threatening/assaulting our military enforcement officers-there, in violation of Article 3, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, "giving aid and comfort to our [criminal] enemies" [and appropriate statutory representations thereof]; and failing to implement available, needed, and applicable Scientific Government Training Programs, that've resulted in unqualified officeholdings, illegal-appointments, and worse, and resulted in the negligence and Dysfunction-related deaths in New Orleans, Louisiana and elsewhere).

     They are, hereby, Officially-recognized as being IMPEACHED from that time (the time of those Impeaching Acts; 1989-90, 1992-93, 2001-02, and 2004c., respectively) and all appointments, Official Acts, etc., engaged thereafter, are hereby-recognized as the acts of Illegal Officeholders and Null and Void.   The Congress of the United States (U.S. General Court) and Louisiana Legislature being hereby-informed, in accordance with jury-reprovable-LAW (the only valid variety of law) that Emergency Elections and Interim Appointments are, hereby, officially-recognized as indicated (due to the dysfunctioning of the Federal and State Courts in Louisiana and elsewhere, by these illegal-officeholders and their acts of appointment, nomination, election, etc., via pretended authority), to fill these Legally-Vacant Offices and restore Life-Saving, Proper Function to the Representative-Government (District Juries, State and Federal), henceforth-allowing No Evidence/Allegation of Crime to go negligently-unpresented to the District Jury and negligently-unresolved (beyond the exclusively-civil debts, known-beforehand, to be under the $20-1787-dollar-value, detailed in the 7th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and support and defense of said Constitution requires), before more Mass Murder results (as similarly-seen in Iraq, School-shooting-deaths, OK City's Bombing, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Veterans Administration, NYC's 9/11, and now-New Orleans, Louisiana).

      These determinations, hereby-presented to the General Court of the United States (as all Louisiana Federal Courts have been found and proven to be dysfunctional) is limited to the Constitutional-limitation of a partial-court, IMPEACHMENT, despite the fact that these adjudications (and evidence of crimes) have been proven AND ARE REPROVABLE BEFORE ANY IMPARTIAL DISTRICT JURY (proven-since 1989-90; U.S.D.C., E.D.L., N.O., La.#90-2482,, an opposition-admitted suit, obstructed and concealed from the sought-district-jury-presentement, to allow illegal elections and appointments, these illegal officeholdings, and the homicidal-dysfunction that's resulted).  However, presentment of these findings (evidence of a True Bill) are, hereby, again officially-sought to be presented to a representative-governmental body (district court or general court/both), as law requires, to prevent further Massive, Negligent-Homicides (and/or Premeditated, Purposeful, Murder).  Moreover, as the 1989-90 Lawsuit detailed (GSCES vs. D. and Countersuit; #89-00443), the failure to make such due and legally-required presentments shall make those failing to do so principals, before and after the fact, to all-such future crimes (as past failures to present these evidences of crimes have made those engaging in such Negligences, Malfeasances, Obstructions of Justice, and Concealments, principals to these present-crimes and deaths in New Orleans, La.); as shall the failure to implement these Scientific Government Training Programs and thusly-restore proper governmental-function has been and shall be.

             Reserving Contractual Construction For Myself, As Always:

                                                Dr. Durand
                                     Judge, J.C. College of Law,
                                         Court of Arbitration

        IN FUTHERANCE OF THE ORDER OF LAW, I admonish that the General Court of the United states (and/or Functional Federal District Courts) Officially-recognize this Act and Article of IMPEACHMENT (as Law allows and requires; including Article 1, section 3, paragraph 7 of the U.S. Constitution's Supreme Law {even-Senators} "shall be subject to indictment, trial, judgement, and punishment"; Article 1's prohibition of Titles of Nobility, and the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Provisions, etc., detailed-verbatim, since the 1774 Declaration of Rights). 

Those relating diversionary War Rhetoric (Fraud, which, threatens-of and, if believed, will result in Numerous-deaths/War-Crimes) are engaged in further Impeaching Acts, in an attempt to divert attention away-from the Justice that Constitutional Support and Defense (representative-government/district-jury presentment and scrutiny) will provide, to avoid accountability; first, second, or third response, for example, all are Negligent (pretended-authority, criminal organizations and illegal-rules, regulations or orders) that do not provide due, available, and indicated substances or services, as soon as practicable---The failure to Officially-recognize these Impeaching Acts, will Negligently allow the continuance of these derrelections and even-produce a worsening  of these death-producing-dysfunctions (resulting in a victory for our criminal-enemies, within and without, from these acts of criminal-diversion that obstruct correction of the problems, as only representative-government-scrutiny, District Jury trials, instead of such-concealment therefrom, will provide).

*The University of God's Logos, d/b/a Unigloe University System
**No other juryless trials (city courts, Federal Administrative Law Judge Courts, etc.) adhere to Constitutional-mandates, required for such determinations to be legal, as per the 7th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, etc. (resulting in numerous deaths, kidnappings for profit, illegal-officeholdings, etc.).

[SOCIAL SECURITY PRIVATIZATION OPPONENTS: Realize, as I've prosecuted, though illegally-obstructed by juryless determinations, since 1989 (personally and jointly, as the Staff Counsel of the FEC-Registered, non-partisan, constitution-supporting-exclusively, A.D. Party) that the leaving-open of the flood gates in New Orleans, La., that allowed the Mississippi River and/or Lake ponchartrain to flood New Orleans, was primarily-a function of THE ILLEGALLY-PRIVATIZED ARMY CORP. OF ENGINEERS (Fox News 9/4/05c.) and appointment of a Negligently and Purposefully untrained group to administer and conduct operations-therein (the Scientific Government Training Programs, needed to do so, have been illegally-unimplemented, since 1989's opposition-admitted and reprovable USDC, EDL, N.O., La. #90-2482, NOTHING LESS THAN SUCH MASS MURDERS, AS SEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, IF SOCIAL SECURITY IS LIKEWISE-ILLEGALLY-PRIVATIZED] Our governmental employees MUST learn how to detect and disregard an illegal-order, IMEDIATELY (LIVES DEPEND ON IT)!!! The illegal-order to refuse to take Police Reports in New Orleans (which resulted in expanded levels of uncorrected crime, criminals at large, illegal-officeholdings, and dysfunction) WAS REPORTED SEVERAL YEARS AGO (Done to appear to "reduce crime levels", as crime rates rose)....allowed because representative-government (the ability to obtain sought-jury-trials/owners'-scrutiny-over-their-employees) DOES NOT EXIST IN LOUISIANA AND IS UNDER ATTACK, NATIONWIDE.

CRIME TIMELINE---Hurricaine Passes Through, The Floods Begin, Chaos Breaks Out (damage caused by Flood/Floodgate-Negligence, not the storm-itself) {British Victims in New Orleans' film (MSNBC 5/7/05 c.9:45PM PST)}