ANSWER Protest ties Katrina relief failures to Iraq, race

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 September, 2005
WSQT Guerilla Radio 87.9 in DC

Yesterday at 5Pm, ANSWER staged a protest in front of the White House against the racist failures of the Bush administration in New Orleans.

One speaker pointed out that an administration official had the nerve to say that "underpriviliged people were better opff because they live in the Astrodome!

The protestors demanded "real relief," jobs, and housing for evacuees instead of spending money on war in Iraq. In adition, oil company execs were called "the real looters."

Repugnicans are going NUTS about protests like this, showing that they are hitting home, and that Bush is vulnerable. Three crazy counterprotestors showed up to defend their bosses yesterday, but were ineffective.

Also, our latest "Mad Max beyond Superdome" update on New Orleans, including the Red Cross's attept to shut down Food Not Bombs, and the possibilibty that the true purpose of forced evacuations is to make way for massive "slum clearance" projects if the city is rebuilt. In this show we also we raise the issue of the 37% pay raise(to $38 mill a year) for Exxon's CEO while gas prices skyrocket to $3.40 a gallon.