Inter_County_Connector highway threatens dozens of homes

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 October, 2005
WSQTradio 93.5 in DC

The MD State Highway Administration held a "hearing" for residents of Winters Run, and proceeded to insult and browbeat residents in an attempt to force them to accept this road.

hey cynically protrayed "Rock Creek option C" vs "Rock Creek option A" as a dispute between housing and parkland, so as to make highway-stopping environemtnalists look like enemies of people's homes.

With the recent Supreme Court Eminent Domain case, they suspect taking homes poisoning(with runoff) instead of bulldozing parkland will help them get the road through the EPA.

Almost all Winters Run and Cashell Estates honmeowners oppose the ICC-and the thanks tehy get is condemnation of their homes. Is this a warnign to otehr communites to get in line behind Governor Erlich and stop opposing the ICC?

Also, this week's Mad Max beyond Superdome, broadcast yesterday between our Iraq coverage and Jenka's reports on Police brutality in New Orelans and on evictions there, and before the first part of a three part series by Scott and Malik of Common Ground on the situation in New Orleans where ethy had to stand up to racist white militiamen.

Jenka's reports and the Common Ground history piecve(on New Orleans Indymedia) are available elsewhere and not reposted as part of this story but were broadcast last night on 93.5 FM