5. Projects: (ii) Mixing Disciplines. A psychologist, a biologist and a game-programmer can design a game. Executive toys industry.
The minds-games group – transferring skills learnt in the virtual world, into the real world.
The lab is sponsored by corporates mainly; I mean public money at the moment but, the idea is that it’ll ultimately be sponsored by corporates.
Brain Child game: the better you get at controlling your biometrics, that becomes a power in the environment. Like Star Wars, but we can get the technology to guide you into a state of deep relaxation. By putting someone into an emersive environment, you improve their ability of learning how to control their biametrics. The autistic subject and the painting ball. Music distortion a way of encouraging you to control your biometrics.
Controlling a VR with your movement [or vise versa]Original motivation was to reward somebody for being still…trying to encourage kids to sit still in a classroom or whatever. Then dancers came along and encouraged soft, gentle movement. Used in the Central Remedial Clinic, and we actually performed this at the Geneva World Summit (2003).
Controlling a virtual world with your breath [or vise versa]. Breath predisposes you to anabolic or catabolic states. Kids in hospital as subjects.
Controlling VR with attention in the brain [or vise versa]. Improving behavioural attention.
Solution Focus Therapy. The cerebral system is a device that sits on the head and monitros brain activity, transmits information to a device so someone else can monitro it. [PET scans]. a multi-modal system for €3-400.
Sensory substitution.
The importance of the business community.
Dealing with the hardest cases first – inclusive agendas rather than individual agendas.
reording 17m7s, mp3, 32,bps