The Outside

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 October, 2005
dj lotus

Even as new problems are solved and diseases are cured in the lab towers, some faculty and students have decided, against all logic, to remain OUTSIDE. Resisting the move indoors, this marginalized group insists on another way of learning; another way of living. They are trying to resurrect their ability to engage face to face and cooperate together. Largely forgotten and left to themselves due to the unpredictable environment and lack of medical and BioNeuroNanoComm support, they are outcasts from the indoor campus culture.

They are in the process of developing their own rules, economy and governing body to oversee their educational, social & physical support programs. In the courtyard, by their totem, the BEAR, they meet each night to eat, watch The Median Show, and use the extra light, power and bleed-off network connectivity that emanates from the massive, constantly lit research tower. They are repurposing the obsolete technology cast aside by their inside-bound peers and strategizing how to interrupt the status quo.