Slave Revolt Radio: The Economic color of whiteness

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 November, 2005
Tracey James

Slave Revolt Radio: 10-21-05 The Economic color of whiteness.

Tonite Slave revolt! explores and deconstructs the
constructs and concepts of whitness. A concept and
constuct created by a ruling order to maintain and
legitimize it's hierarchical rule.
'SR' explores how whitness thru the constructed lens
of the mass population of white wage servants distorts
their views on subjects like affrimitive action,
gentrification, and economic/ social dependancy and
class. often putting them at odds with the non white
slaves. Clips from Tim Wise, judith miller, and racial
profiling corporation texaco to name a few help put
the issue of whitness in proper focus. A focus that's
clear from the eyes of the slave that whitness is not
only a social construct but a political and economic