Robocop Spy Cam Scam

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 November, 2005
Author and John Lee

How to kill Robocops

It's easy to crush this Robocop Spy Cam Scam, and this video will prove how to do it. Sure, it's fun to shot the bastards with BB guns, spray paint the camera lens, or just plain smash them to pieces, as SuperBike magazine offered prizes for these pro se complaints. But the Media Mafia censors the best, most effective, and the only legal methods of defeating the robocopsters - simply throw the traffic citations in the trash and ignore them, since they lack "service of process", as required for all civil lawsuits. Pirate News producer John Lee lectures City of Knoxville Municipal Corporation and KPD on its racketeering and organized crimes, before its vote on a new ordinance in November 2005. This law lecture applies in every jurisdiction. Lee sued Knoxville and its Skull & Boner mayor Victor "Victoria" Ashe and his mafia terrorist towing contractors in 2 class actions, and filed criminal charges against them for felony car thefts, resulting in over 100 police employees fired for fraud, and City Court clerk fired for embezzlement, theft and extortion. Kick the gangster out of Gangsta Governement.