...le pute/il trip sur la/et voila!!!...Check ca!!!/Tous les gars/Son!!!/lookin for talkshow clammers/You bangin naw/We a go clappin/applausibility/drownin out the vorticist/Capitalist et Schizophrenie/Reversionism/Deleuze comme Guatarrie/Cee/Si je jeux/dis/Vox/Isa/The sublime poundin
the concrete of amerikkka
En fins (clichy sous bois): zone d’injustices ?" dub
lord patch vs the giver
"what can the story of the end do and the end itself? exploding stones become speed lines" -- robert gluck
"Pourquoi cette démonstration de force alors?"
En fins
C’est commes une film
C’est folle
le pute
il trip sur la
et voila!!!
On combat avec these
L’ouest bloke
C’est un joke
Like Henny Youngman
Une truc amerikkkan
post moderne
spunkin oneliners
thanks to viagra for imitations of the power of a brutha
jammin the surreality as they fiddle w/ themselves
C'est une cinefile Sade w/ fanadel
genet dorme en bliss
avec arabie et black panthers
Check ca!!!
Tous les gars
lookin for talkshow clammers
You bangin
We a go clappin
drownin out the vorticist
Capitalist et Schizophrenie
Deleuze comme Guatarrie
Si je jeux
The sublime poundin
the concrete of amerikkka
Alle! Alle!!
bam bam
feel me
the denier
Dig the meanin
like the beginnin
Sound nomme
Explosif comme plastique
C'est une notre bertrand
Un type afrikan
En fins
Anna One
On a
Un deux
C’est pas dur
Ons combat avec these…
lyrics lord patch
music versioned from tolan mcneil (the giver)
1425 Lawrence Y Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch)
New Palestine/Fernwood/The Hood
Victoria, BC
end notes:
"Pourquoi cette démonstration de force alors
Les deux jeunes morts (Zyad et Bounna, 17 et 15 ans, du collège n°3)
Clichy-sous-Bois : zone de non-droits ou zone d’injustices ?"-- Antoine Germa
see also:
"Samedi soir, au moment de la rupture du jeûne (vers 18h30), les 400 CRS et gendarmes, dont une partie vient de Chalon s/saone, sont sortis un peu partout dans la cité du Chêne pointu. Comme à l’accoutumée, il s’agissait d’encercler - "de boucler" - le quartier. Don quichottisme policier : en cohorte, à la façon des légions romaines, au pas de course, visière baissée, bouclier au bras, et flashball à la main, ils parcourent les rues une à une contre des ennemis invisibles....Pourquoi cette démonstration de force alors même que les rues étaient particulièrement calmes ?" -- Antoine Germa -- "Clichy-sous-Bois : zone de non-droits ou zone d’injustices ?"
Clichy-sous-Bois, the impoverished and segregated north-eastern suburb of Paris where the two men lived and where the violent reaction to their deaths began, was a ticking bomb for the kind of dramatic social upheaval we are currently witnessing. ...A simple gesture of regret could go a long way towards defusing the tensions for now. The morning after the gassing of the mosque, a young Muslim woman summed up a widespread feeling: "We just want them to stop lying, to admit they've done it and to apologise." -- NAIMA BOUTELDJA -- "The Explosion in the Suburbs: Paris is Burning"
The Web document alleges that a massive police operation was deliberately designed to exacerbate the conflict with the youth on the estate after initial riots following the deaths of the two teenagers had subsided...Minister Nicolas Sarkozy is bent on stoking up the revolt of the youth...After widespread criticism—some it from his own party, the ruling Union for a Popular Movement—for his provocative description of the largely immigrant and Muslim youth on these poor, working class estates as “scum” and “gangrene,” which need to be sandblasted away, he defended his stance on November 3. --
The police have been unable to re-establish order despite strong action. Hit-and-run youth gangs coordinating action over mobile phones have been too quick for them. It now seems less and less likely that police action alone can restore calm....Nicholas Sarkozy's remarks calling violent youth 'scum' also provoked further violence, several experts say. "Sarkozy's choice of words makes me think of the rhetoric used by military police in racial dictatorships, and of regimes practising ethnic cleansing," ... -- Julio Godoy -- "Paris Riots Spread Into Rebellion"
"FinalCall.com) - In the 1960s and ’70s, the cities of America were burning under the weight of Black rebellion. The American media called these rebellions riots, but it was Kwame Ture (formerly Stokely Carmichael) and other progressive leaders who preached to the Black community that what was happening in the streets of America were not riots but, in fact, were rebellions. They were an oppressed people rebelling against an unjust authority."-- A. Akbar Muhammad -- "The veil is lifted in France as Black and Arab youth rebel"