Doug Rokke, GW1 vet, has been touring Australia talking about DU and the lies of the UsDoD. Rokke spoke at Brisbane Town Hall on Wednesday June 18th, 2003, along with MC Sandy McCutcheon, Brigadier Adrian D'Hage, Iraqi doctor Hassam Aljourishi and Academic Marion Hansen. The event was supported by a range of Anti-nuclear, Peace and Church groups.
Recorded for Community Radio 4ZzZ's 'Radio Democracy' Wednesday 12-1pm, 102.1fm, Brisbane, Australia. (article 1)
Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons are banned under UN conventions. DU were first extensively used in Bosnia by US forces. Used again in the Gulf Wars, DU has been linked to increased cancers, birth defects (including eyeless and brainless babies) and other illness in Iraq since GWI. Doug Rokke, GW1 vet, has been touring Australia talking about DU and the lies of the UsDoD.
Rokke spoke at Brisbane Town Hall on Wednesday night along with Sandy McCutcheon, Brigadier Adrian D'Hage, Iraqi doctor Hassam Al-Kareeshi and Academic Marion Hansen. The event was supported by a range of Anti-nuclear, Peace and Church groups. [see full story here]
The Australian government claims they have not used, nor to they intend to purchase DU weapons. However, the Western Australian government has welcomed with open arms the news that weapons manufacturer Raytheon want to set up shop in Cockburn sound in thier state. Are Australian governments following the lead of the US and lying about DU? [see article here]
Take action against depleted uranium weapons!: [Traprock Peace Centre ]
[Global Association for Banning Depleted Uranium Weapons]
[Campaign Against Depleted Uranium]
Audio includes:
1. Doug Rokke on DU GW1. Length - 16:39
2. Hatam Al-Kareeshi. former soldier and Iraqi doctor who escaped Iraq after refusing to cut off the ears of theives. Introduced by Sandy McCutcheon. Length - 10:57
3. Brigadier Adrian D'Hage, former PR man for the Australian Army and 4 years as head of security for the Sydney Olympics, now a war resister and an excellent public speaker! Introduced by Sandy McCutcheon. Length - 24:41
4. Academic Marion Hansen, with a doctorate in International Relations (Harvard), now from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia - 9:25