Guantánamo Bay The Living Nightmare of US Empire

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 November, 2005
Mostafa Henaway

Interview with Clive Stafford Smith lawyer for Omar Khadr and many of those being held without charges in Guatanamo Bay.

Audio Interview:
Guantánamo Bay The Living Nightmare of US Empire

An Interview with Clive Stafford Smith who is the the lawyer for many of those who
are being held in Guatanamo without charges or any rights. Clive speaks about the
conditions, and those who are being held in Guantanamo Bay. The interview examines
the torture, and resistance inside Guatanamo Bay, but also talks about the 49
juviniles being held in particular Omar Khadr a 15 year old Canadian who is being
tried in a military tribunal.

This interview was recorded and produced by
Mostafa Henaway for CKLN 88.1 in Toronto
For more information on Clive Stafford Smith and the work being done to free those
detained in Guatanamo Bay
Background on Clive Stafford Smith
Reprieve counsel Clive Stafford Smith has assisted in the filing of 128 lawsuits on
behalf of various prisoners held in Guantánamo Bay and has publicised the plight of
many prisoners who have been tortured. Clive has been traveling extensively
throughout the Middle East, identifying family members of the detainees and securing
their permission to file suits. Clive also worked with British lawyers and the
British government towards securing the release of the British nationals held in
Guantánamo Bay and is assisting work on behalf of the British residents, all of whom
are facing the death penalty.