Wounded Knee to Alcatraz
audio/music from Aztlan Underground, Pacifica archives during the Wounded Knee Incident in 1973
Wounded Knee to Alcatraz
audio/music from Aztlan Underground, Pacifica archives during the Wounded Knee Incident in 1973 also Alcatraz occupation on Radio Free Alcatraz Nov 20 1969
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The American Indian day of Thanksgiving 32nd annual sunrise gathering on Alcatraz Island 11-24-05
A Celebration of the conitnued Resistance by indeginous people and to remember those who gave their lives defending their homelands and spiritual way of life.
Potluck follows opened to the public at 11am - 5pm at the Intertribal Friendship house in Oakland Ca.
for more info call International Indian Treaty Council (415)641-4482