{LIVE NOW debate} International Documentary Festival Amsterdam: Women’s ways of seeing

By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 November, 2005
www.debalie.nl / live (Amsterdam)

IDFA debate: Women’s ways of seeing

2pm - 4pm ( = 8am - 10am NewYork) / repeat 4pm - 6pm (10 am-12pm NewYork timezone)

A debate which celebrates the way women picture the world, and each other. Interventions, statements, proactive and egalitarian women in a changing world, changing the world.

Special guests and filmmakers from the IDFA programme debate the specific manner in which women document the world.

HOST: Debbie Zimmerman (Women Make Movies)

Recorded repeat on live streams around 4 pm.

RealVideo: http://live.nu/1.ram

Mp3 audio: http://live.nu/1.m3u

More information and links:

www. d e b a l i e . n l / l i v e
Mp3 + RealVideo live streams - 2pm - 4pm ( = 8am - 10am NewYork) / repeat 4pm -