Mindwalk 21: I Want My Al-Jazeera TV!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 November, 2005
Upstart Radio America

Al-Jazeera must be doing something right for Dictator Bush to want to bomb them. That is, if he hadn't bombed them in 2001 and 2003 already. George McGovern talks about Poppy Bush's opposition to the war. Jody Paulson compares GWB to Tricky Dick. A speech by NBA Star Eaton Thomas, and finally, Ward Churchill brings it home.

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TRT 28:30 Stereo 128/44 27meg mp3

Al-Jazeera must be doing something right for Dictator Bush to want to bomb them. That is, if he hadn't bombed them in 2001 and 2003 already. George McGovern talks about Poppy Bush's opposition to the war. Jody Paulson compares GWB to Tricky Dick. An awesome speech by NBA Star Eaton Thomas of the Washington Wizzards and finally, Ward Churchill brings it home.

CREDITS: Dire Straits, (vintage MTV spot) The Police, Pat Benatar, Pete Townsend, CNN International Desk, Hossam Ramzy, Octavia Nasr, Deadweight, George McGovern, Alan Colmes, First Cause, Jody Paulson, Rev. 99 http://www.99hooker.com/ , Skidmark Bob, Eaton Thomas care of Radio Active San Diego http://www.radioactiveradio.org/ , Art of Noise, Sacred Spirit, Ward Churchill,

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