SRR 11-20-05(Ruins of empire) segment called Cut and run or stayand Die' clips from democrat super hawk 'ex gi joe'john murta outlines the panic button
being hit by some of the 'rational imperialist'.also (Beyond the shadow) segment New Orleans the classroom for Black america.
This week Slave Revolt! deals with the military,
financial quagmire in Iraq sam has gotten his behind
in. 'SR' explores how this quagmire is the dynamics of
resistance by the Iraqi's. The lies boy george and
other administrators to the 'order" have spewed out
would not be an issue if not for the fact that their
imperial mission is failing. sam lied his way into Nam
(gulf of Toking), lied his way into the first gulf
war, Panama etc. The link that this current imperial
quagmire issue has with Nam is that sam is again
getting that ass tapped physically which is causing
economic, political, and material trouble. In this
(ruins of empire) segment called 'cut and run or stay
and die' clips from democrat super hawk 'ex gi joe'
john murta outlines the panic button being hit by some
of the 'rational imperialist'. Other clips include boy
george, channey, and kerry to name a few help round
out the sorry plight and lost mission these savages
are on. rumsfeld also shows up for a encore
performance.Then Slave Revolt! sails back over to New
Orleans in a (beyond the shadow) segment called 'New
Orleans the classroom for Black america' that explores
the current crisis our 'internally displaced persons'
ie sisters and brothers find themselves in. Which
helps highlight the fact that everywhere these slaver
exist, north america, hati, sudan etc. Black people
are internally displaced.That is until the Slaves put
these flesh-peddlers out of existence!