Slave Revolt Radio11-27-05 The Blade and the Poison of 1761, The historic slave rebellion plot by the slaves
of Bermuda.
Cutting ones way into ones past with out the mental
shackles of ones enemy is one of the steps (and codes)
of a Slave in Revolt. This hour Slave revolt! does
just that in a new (The slaves blood, the slavers god)
segment called 'The blade and the poison of 1761'.
This is a historic slave rebellion plot by the slaves
of Bermuda. 'SR' deals with the radical evolutionary
understanding by these sailor slaves who experienced
more 'freedoms' than their plantation slave
counterparts. The sailor slaves traveled the world on
ships and learned many skills and languages yet they
understood that their full human potential could not
be realized with out the elimination of the flesh and
soul eating slavers and their system of exploitation.
Clips from Clarence Maxwell outlines the slave
conspirators and their opponents in this classic
battle between the Slaves and the slavers. 'SR'
sharpens up the blades and loads up the pistols for
what more needs to be done and understood in today's
slave settings. For the slaves historic work is not
yet finished.