DC Mayor vows revenge against councilmembers voting NO on baseball lease

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 December, 2005
WSQT Guerilla Radio 93.5 in DC

Shortly after the Dec 13 hearing on the stadium lease, Mayor Tony "The Rat" Williams appeared on TV, vowing to "remember" those who vote both for and against the baseball stadium lease.

Eight coucilmembers gave furious speeches vowing to oppose the stadium in the Dec 13 hearing, so Mayor Wiliams has chosen threats and vengeance as his response.

This fits his track record. Remember the Olive Branch eviction? Two hours after charges were dropped in a 2002 CD case, mambers of his staff, cops, and housing inspectors showed up at the Olive Branch former home at 1006 M st, ordering the landlord to evict everyone or face $500 a day in fines.

Why do we call Williams "Tony the Rat?" Because Petty vengeance has always been his way, and now the threat is renewed yet again. A mayor in developers' pockets, a servant of the Dark Lord Bush himself, he resorts to threats because he cannot win a fair vote on the stadium lease.

CALL YOUR COUNCILMEMBER TODAY and tell him/her to stand firm against the Mayor's threats and vote NO on the stadium lease in the Dec 20 vote.