Tashunka Witko Brigade: Indigenous leaders of Peru and Bolivia talk about Evo Morales'

By Anonymous (not verified) , 30 December, 2005
Wanbli Watakpe and DJ Tanya

Indigenous leaders of Bolivia and Peru Speak about Evo Morales' Victory:
This radio program features two interviews: Pio Celestino, (of the Refugio de Rio Grande), Mochica of Peru, and Fernando Rada Arteaga (of the 21 de junio Aymara/Quechua community in La Paz, Bolivia)

The Tashunka Witko Brigade (TWB) focuses on indigenous liberation and gives voice to the indigenous people, the elders, grandmas and warriors on the ground in this our continent. We air on Free Radio Olympia (webstreamed at http://frolympia.org) Tuesdays 3-5 PM PST

12-27-2005 Program: Indigenous leaders of Bolivia and Peru Speak about Evo Morales' Victory.

This program features two interviews: an interview of Pio Celestino, (of the Refugio de Rio Grande), Mochica of Peru; and an interview of Fernando Rada Arteaga (of the 21 de junio Aymara/Quechua community in La Paz, Bolivia), and commentary by Wanbli Watakpe. Wanbli Watakpe is an indigenous warrior with 35 years of action on behalf of the indigenous peoples, commander of the Little California Bunker at Wounded Knee, founder of Northern CA AIM and member of NW AIM with Jim and Steve Robideau and Leonard Peltier. His commentary is focused on indigenous liberation; it is always passionate and often controversial.