Inter-County-Connector to be expensive "lexus lanes" for the rich

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 December, 2005
WSQT Radio 93.5 in DC

It has been reported throughout the mainstream press in the DC metropolitan area that tolls on the proposed Inter-County-Connector highway in MD would be AT LEAST $6 per day round trip.

One study estimated that as a result at least 10,000 vehicles a day (presumably travelling to development spurred by the ICC and its rich users) would be dumped onto neighborhood streets to avoid these high tolls.

The study did NOT take into effect the likelihood that additional drivers would avoid the ICC because of its mandatory use of electronic "big Brother" EX-pass toll collection, which stores every trip made in an electronic database.

The Audobon Society and otehr groups spearheading the anti-ICC efforts are runnign ads about this issue, so at WSQT we are now running a "War of the Trees" segment on the same issue and the environmental justice aspects of the ICC proposal. We call it "A baseball stadium size mistake."