First draft of a "podsafe" song in response to the Genova G8 Diaz School Raid Court Case.
PODSAFE SONG: Puedes Ser Mi Ami
hey, D
what're ya doin
after the revolution. G D
meet me in miami G D
biscayne and 2nd st A D
we'll tip over that tank D
that friggin scary tank G D
we'll sing and dance upon it. G D
ooh, won't that be sweet. A D
hey whatre ya doin
after the revolution
I'll meet you in genoa
where they killed carlo giuliani
we can sing dance on the ruins
of the multinational has beens
like murdoch bush and rumsfeld
and berloFUCKINsconi
we ain leavin til you're
outa the forest ...
berlosconi has a first name
it's silve-eye-eyo- oh
berlusconi has a second name
it's fascist tokyo.
oh I love to overthrow his ass
and if you ask me why it's class
cause berlusconi has a way
of behaving worse than the USA
notice I didn't say hitler.
how's that.
was thinking of adding a Gb minor, or something and then decided
to just get all "Woody Guthrie" on you all