American Lament

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2006
Tom Riggs

Renegade rock recording artist Thomas Floyd once again defies convention with his new album titled "American Lament"

Renegade rock recording artist Thomas Floyd once again defies convention with his new album titled "American Lament" featuring nine original songs to include the title track and single "American Lament". With the song "American Lament" Tom does just that, lament. He laments about corruption in America's current presidential administration, about how shameful their greed is, and how the president claims that God somehow endorses his behavior. Tom sings about how you will not find the war makers in this country sending their children off to war. He laments about how big corporate bottom lines are made greater using the labor of children, a shameful fact that he communicates with a sense of urgency. With a solid rock beat and heavy bass backing up his grungy electric guitar he sets the mood. Then adding contrast to his lamenting vocals with innocent sounding children singing back up accentuating the scope of his lyrics and bringing his message home like a Zen bullet.
Thomas Floyd believes that it is time to steer this world in a new direction. It is time for the critical mass of people who are ready to do the right thing to come together. It is time to stop those who would destroy pollute and lie to justify their agenda of fear and greed.
As Tom said "There is so much we can do right here at home, we can stand up and demand complete public campaign financing, we can burn biodegradable farm fuels in all of our diesel engines. Imagine every truck, car and school bus in the country with a diesel engine in the United States burning bio diesel
And how much the farmers in the world would stand to gain, the air we breath the environment and its so easy, renewable sustainable and clean. No more bull about how we are running out of oil and the many other excuses those profiteers would have us believe, no more blood for oil. The irony is that those very people would stand to gain by losing, maybe then they would see that they have everything they need to be happy and healthy with out trying to hoard all the money in the world.
The Album "American Lament" also features "Long Way Were Going", which was actually wrote back in 1980. As Tom said "the song was one of those mysterious songs that just come to you complete in one sitting with chords, melody and words, so much so that it is hard to take writers credit. This one is truly of spirit and the listener will have to decide for them selves what it means".
In "Keeper Of The Gate" you find a beautiful acoustic track with haunting dark lyrics about what it must be like as you hear your executioner coming for you while you are sitting on death row.
With the song "Ethers Drone" Tom ask you to go with him to seek spiritual truth, and come to know god without religion. A very cool but unconventional piece of music with maracas keeping time to intricate acoustic twelve string rhythms while utilizing an Appalachian jawharp as a lead solo instrument.
The introspective "Land Of Light" Tom creates a beautiful mysterious organ sound by sending his twelve
string acoustic through a chain of digital effects backing that up with a very warm bass track. Tom opens the song with a stunning but mournful harmonica solo, setting the mood for his passionate but meaningful lyrics about his travels through life and how he like most western thinkers becomes so caught up in ego gratification that one day in a moment of clarity he realizes that he is missing the real life which resides in the moment, the eternal the now, that metaphorical place "The Land Of Light".
The song "Angel" takes us on a soul searching journey to the core of our own mortality seeking guidance from a divine light as we brave the thought of moving on.
The rock ballad "I Saw You Fly" was inspired by the late "Patricia Dora Santos" of 'It's A Beautiful Day" fame who sadly passed away in an unfortunate car accident back in 1989. Thomas is still a big fan of It's A Beautiful Day in there current incarnation "The David LaFlamme Band " and it is David's virtuoso violin that Tom makes reference to in this song.
Thomas Floyd is an artist seeking spiritual truth. He is an environmentalist, a peace activist, his music reflecting this with songs like the environmental "Shadow Land" where Tom sings about the abuse of our environment and how we put our inclination toward greed first.
Also the song "In The Night" where we are cast into a dreamscape vision of war as we ponder how we got there and what it must be like for the children caught up in the fear based reaction of war.
Thomas Floyd is an independent artist who writes, records and produces his original artistry at his home studio appropriately named "Path With A Heartbeat Digital Recording" his music is then released on his indie record label "Path With A Heartbeat Records". Visit Thomas Floyd and The Thomas Floyd Band at

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