URGENT ALERT: 9/11 Scholars for Truth: Possible Detroit Super Bowl Terrorist Attack?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 February, 2006

There is strong evidence to suggest that a staged attack / “9/11-type terrorist attack” could occur during the Detroit “Super Bowl” on Sunday.

Scholars for 9/11 Truth sent out email news on this subject, “POSSIBLE DETROIT SUPER BOWL TERRORIST ATTACK?,” January 30, 2006

This press release available at

URGENT PRESS RELEASE: 9/11 Scholars for Truth: Possible Detroit Super Bowl
Terrorist Attack?

This press release available at

I am writing you with information about a possible staged attack / “9/11-type
terrorist attack” during the Detroit “Super Bowl” on Sunday. Scholars for
9/11 Truth sent out email news on this subject, “POSSIBLE DETROIT SUPER BOWL TERRORIST ATTACK?,” January 30, 2006
(reprinted below)

Important note:
If such an attack does occur on the Superbowl, Arab patsies will likely take the fall. We must question this, and realize that the more likely cause of this attack is state-sponsored terrorism

“’Scholars for 9/11 Truth’ (S9/11T) is a non-partisan association of faculty,
students, and scholars, in fields as diverse as history, science, military
affairs, psychology, and philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to
revealing truths behind 9/11.”

Jacob G. Stansbury, Jr. of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and author of

DETROIT SUPER BOWL TERRORIST ATTACK?” made the following statement:

“I have NO direct knowledge of any conspiracy as described below as a possibility. The facts and conclusions are drawn from stories the open media and the alternative media, including websites and mail groups.”

Jonathan Campbell, health consultant and political analyst, http://www.cqs.com, informed me about the Scholars for 9/11 Truth alert:

“One of the articles on the scholarsfor911truth website, entitled Possible Detroit Super Bowl Terrorist Attack? is not posted by a hoaxster.

Though the information is new and little is known about it, this may be the real
thing; it is not the kind of stupidity that Mazza, Szymanski, and their ilk
peddle. We may be in for some very rough weather.

There really are exercises
simulating a terrorist attack going on:

Additionally, the citation of the Super Bowl management hiring the cheaper security firms is true:


Scholars for 9/11 Truth Email News


Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 21:18:34 -0600
From: Jacob G. Stansbury, Jr.


Note: I have NO direct knowledge of any conspiracy as described below as a possibility. The facts and conclusions are drawn from stories the open media and the alternative media, including websites and mail groups.

Detroit Super Bowl Terrorist Attack
Possible Scenario:
(Revised 30 January 2006)

I. The Setup:

(a) A multitude of warnings from government officials of another

domestic terrorism event have aired in the whore media.

(b) The new bin Laden speech threatening an eminent muslim terrorist
attack more devastating than 9/11.

(c) Patriot Act II ready to be approved by congress. (Martial Law)

(d) Plenty of time to place terrorist weapons in the stadium to be remotely detonated on cue.

(e) This date, February 5, 2006, is an 11 day for the numerologists

(f) The football League has cut ties with the nationally respected security firm it has used for the last 29 Super Bowls, and hired three smaller, less-experienced companies (Owned or controlled by Bush family members as in the
World Trade Center on 9/11?)

** “Security for Super Bowl called into question” BY PAUL DOMOWITCH
Posted on Fri, Jan. 27, 2006 Philadelphia Daily News http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/sports/football/13726487.htm

(g) NORAD and other military entities are staging drills to protect Ford
Field on Sunday, February 5, 2006. (Remember 9/11?)

**Canadian Jets Muster to Protect Super Bowl
National Post | January 26, 2006 | Melissa Leong

**See also info at end of email about “military drills” and Webster Griffin Tarpley’s latest book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in the USA

(g) Many more others are available but these are more than necessary to illustrate the point.

II. The Event:
(a) Destruction of Ford Field with a mini-nuke and/or other less deadly but massive and overwhelming pyrotechnic weapons is exercised.

(b) Thousands of American men, women, children and heroes are murdered in a few seconds.

(c) Tens of millions of people are watching the event live on television all over the planet!

(d) Shock and awe, terror, fear and anger on a historic level far beyond that of 911 ensue.

III. The Benefits to the Criminals:
(a) Shifting public concerns away from the Bushites incompetence and criminal
acts, and back to even greater terrorist fears.

(b) Provision of a "reason" to attack Iran with nuclear weaponry.

(Reason for the neocons to use a mini-nuke for terrorist event.)

(c) Investigations of illegal spying on the American people scheduled to
begin this week will be quickly dispensed with.

(d) The Patriot Act that expires on February 2, 2006 is guaranteed to be renewed, and Patriot Act 2, 3, 4 etc. would be passed.

(e) Congressional hearings on illegal wiretapping scheduled to begin February
6, 2006 will be cancelled or easily dismissed.

(f) A number of lawsuits, initiated by various citizen groups set to begin to
enter the court system on February 6, 2006 against the Bushites, will be
quickly and quietly eliminated.

(g) The re-cycling of an obsolete major city with huge profit potential for
the elite is facilitated.

IV. Immediate implementation of the Fourth Reich.
(a) Complete loss of all remaining freedoms of the people of the United States under martial law will result.

(b) All elections will be Temporarily suspended, and the establishment of a
permanent group of criminals in power will be quickly accomplished.

(c) There will suddenly appear a myriad of patriotic groups with appealing
acronyms. These will lure the gullible to do their patriotic duty and
report/fight anyone disagreeing with the NWO directives.

(d) Plans for policing and censorship of the internet are in place now and
will be used to eliminate individuals using it against the NWO.

(e) Heavily armed foreign troops now secretly housed in the U.S. will be deployed to replace any uncooperative police and military units, and
deal with any militia threat to the New World Order being established.

V. Final Result:
(a) The total destruction of the United States of America by a worldwide
alliance against the Fourth Reich would eventually be achieved, or
civilization would be wiped out by a nuclear holocaust.

*Detroit, once the bustling and economically powerful center of production of
automobiles is now blighted by huge areas of empty industrial buildings and
facilities due to outsourcing caused by political/economic forces. The crime
rate is among the highest in the country. Its destruction therefore would
pave the way for carpetbaggers to seize the land and re-build the city as their
own. Thus this city may be expendable for these reasons, in the eyes of the
neocons. New Orleans was the first major U.S. city where this kind of plan is
now being tested and seems to be a success so far for the criminals who now
control our destinies.


Posted on Fri, Jan. 27, 2006
Security for Super Bowl called into question

Philadelphia Daily News

“The league has cut ties with the nationally respected security firm it has
used for the last 29 Super Bowls, California-based Contemporary Services
Corporation. It will go a less expensive route this year, hiring three smaller, less-experienced companies to handle security for Super Bowl XL next
week in Detroit. The league sure has picked a strange time to make a security switch of this
magnitude, considering that next week's game will be played just a half-mile
from an international border. (Detroit is across the river from Windsor,
Ontario.) It also comes just three weeks after the latest taped threat of a
terrorist attack by Osama bin Laden.
NFL sources told the Philadelphia Daily News that the league felt CSC, which
is considered the top big-event security firm in the country, had become too pricey. The league challenged nearly $500,000 of its billing from CSC for last year's Super Bowl in Jacksonville, sources said.”


Webster Tarpley: Staged attack to precede war

Eight part series: The coming war against Iran

“In part 1 of this series Webster Tarpley points to the phrase 'another 9/11-type terrorist attack' as it appears in an article by ex-CIA agent Philip Giraldi, who sees such an attack as a precondition for war against Iran.
Tarpley writes: 'It is evident that such a determined warmonger as Cheney is
hardly likely to leave the coming of that indispensable terrorist provocation
to chance: the terror event that provides the pretext for war must be an
integral part of the plan being pushed through the US bureaucracy by the
secret government, their spokesmen Bush and Cheney, and the neocon faction in
general. We are dealing in short with state sponsored terrorism.'

Giraldi writes: 'Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are
reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is
being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage
his career by posing any objections.' Tarpley: 'The synthetic terror event
required by the Bush-Cheney clique and its masters is likely to be conducted
through the US military and intelligence apparatus under the cover of a terror
drill or a war exercise.”

Activist political expert Webster Griffin Tarpley is the author of 9/11
Synthetic Terror, Made in the USA
http://www.waronfreedom.org (Progressive Press: Political Protest
Publishing The Fear Stops Here: 9/11 was Just an Inside Job),


[Webster Griffin Tarpley's] latest book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in the
USA, is must reading for all 911 truth
activists and anyone who wants to get involved to make sure another 911 doesn't happen in this country, or elsewhere. What Tarpley points out,
and with plenty of real history and evidence to back him up, is that these military drills are used as the perfect cover for the real thing. He
has shown that the more the local news and area residents are alerted to and
publicly opposed to the planned drill taking place, the more likely the operation is axed. We are in the process of reprinting/upgrading our
Report of the Citizens Commission on 911 for mass distribution so more Americans can
see the facts that have surfaced about the real terror events on 9/11/01, and the
subsequent cover-up of these facts by our govt. and media.

The number of people now being alerted to these “military drills” being a
possible cover for the real thing has increased -- thanks to the internet and
911 researchers who have confirmed that 15 such drills occurred on 9/11/01.
My opinion is that these planned events are postponed when enough people are on
to them.
-quote from Ingri Cassel
Director, Vaccination Liberation,



Full email sent to me from Jonathan Campbell, Health Consultant and political
analyst, http://www.cqs.com

Hi, folks,

Please look at this website: http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/. My
friend Ken Reiner, founder of Alliance For Democracy and 911truth, sent me
the link. The seminal article on the WTC building collapse, by Morgan Reynolds,
can be found on the Lew Rockwell website. These scholars have done very articulate - and profoundly distressing - work.
“Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse?” by Morgan Reynolds


One of the articles on the scholarsfor911truth website,
entitled Possible Detroit "Super Bowl Terrorist Attack is not posted by a
hoaxster. Though the information is new and little is known about it, this
may be the real thing; it is not the kind of stupidity that Mazza, Szymanski, and
their ilk peddle. We may be in for some very rough weather. There really are exercises simulating a terrorist attack going on:

Additionally, the citation of the Super Bowl management hiring the cheaper security firms is true:

If one of them is the same Bush-connected security firm that was responsible
for guarding the WTC, then the explosives have already been set and there is
nothing we can do but wait. Here is another article about the same (or
similar) scary scenario; apparently the possibility of something really bad
happening on Sunday has been the topic of conversation for some time.

-Jonathan Campbell, Health Consultant and political analyst,


In case you are not already aware of it, the Iran oil bourse is what is really
behind the US drive to invade Iran.

By Ed Haas January 28, 2006


Excellent website for articles about attack on Iran:

Centre for Research on Globalization


Important contacts:

Scholars for 9/11 Truth, http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org

James H. Fetzer
(218) 726-7269 (office)
(218) 724-2706 (home)
(218) 726-7119 (fax)

Steven E. Jones

911Truth.org, http://www.911Truth.org
Main Information & Press Contact Phone: 816-444-3249

Janice at 911Truth.org
Work/home phone: 816-444-3249
Cell: (707) 616-7939

Webster Griffin Tarpley, http://www.waronfreedom.org
http://www.tarpley.net tarpley@tarpley.net, tarpley@radix.net

Ingri Cassel, http://www.vaccinetruth.com http://www.vaclib.org
Host, American Voice Radio, http://www.radio.theamericanvoice.com
(208) 255-2307 / (888) 249-1421 vaclib@coldreams.com

Judy Andreas, author and Internet columnist www.judyandreas.com


Important note:
If such an attack does occur on the Superbowl, Arab patsies will likely take the fall. We must question this, and realize that the more likely cause of this attack is state-sponsored terrorism


Thank you very much for your help!

***Please help get the word out about this!!!


People for a Healthy Planet
Honest information. Grassroots citizen action.

Please note that there is a lot of false information circulating on the
Internet in regards to staged attacks.

I would like to mention that over the past couple of days I have noticed that several emails I have sent to individuals who have Yahoo accounts have been returned to me.

There has been talk of people with AOL and Yahoo email accounts (and perhaps others) having trouble getting emails.

Related article:

“Internet Censorship” Wayne Madsen, 12-9-05


“Internet censorship. It did not happen overnight but slowly came to America's shores from testing grounds in China and the Middle East. Progressive and investigative journalist web site administrators are beginning to talk to each other about it, e-mail users are beginning to understand why their e-mail is being disrupted by it, major search engines appear to be complying with it, and the low to equal signal-to-noise ratio of legitimate e-mail and spam appears to be perpetuated by it.”

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way and is in accordance with the fair use doctrine.


***Please help get the word out about this!!!

***Please try to get this information out on community radio, and via any other outlets!!!