Tadamon! - Stefan Christoff Presentation on Lebanon....

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 February, 2006

Listen to a presentation from independent journalist & media activist Stefan Christoff, at the Montreal launch of the Tadamon! initative.

This presentation by Stefan Christoff, took place at the Montreal launch of Tadamon!, an international solidarity project based in Canada aiming to support movements for social & economic justice throughout Lebanon. In the presentation, Christoff highlights his work in Lebanon during the summer of 2006 as an independent media activist & journalist reporting for CKUT Radio in Montreal and the Electronic Intifada media project.

Tadamon! aims to work in support of movements for social & economic justice for ALL people living in Lebanon, while also working within the Lebanese Diaspora in Montreal, to address struggles facing the Lebanese community, such as immigration, racism, poverty and labour rights. For more information on Tadamon contact: tadamon[at]resist.ca / 00 514 690 8499

