By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 February, 2006
Maya Salsaloca

Review of Bill Maher's show in San Francisco

Remember Politically Incorrect? In spite of 18 Emmy nominations and four CableACE Awards, this show was cancelled for – what else – the host being politically incorrect. If you were a fan, you know Bill Maher, a brilliant and irreverent comedian with a sharp mind and a knack for connecting the (political) dots. In the aftermath of 9-1-1, when even the staunchest critics of the administration did not utter a word, Bill Maher “dared” to contradict the official proclamation that the terrorists were cowards. Response from Ari Fleisher, the president's spokesman: "Americans need to watch what they say." As Bill Maher puts it himself, he was “"Dixie Chicked first”.

“Curious Georges” of America are starving for intelligence and truth in the sea of dumbing mediocrity (the top George excluded) In this intellectual wasteland they want to hear what they themselves think, but can’t voice it for one reason or another; they want to see if anybody shares their views. "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central with some zingers is very popular, but it’s no match for "Real Time With Bill Maher" premiered in 2004. Too bad, it can be watched only by HBO subscribers. All the others had a chance to see Bill Maher live in San Francisco’s Davies Symphony Hall thanks to Another Planet Entertainment. (

Dressed comfortably in a loose shirt and boasting a mane of gray hair, Maher looked relaxed on a San Francisco stage even in a posh theatre. He was in one of his favorite cities surrounded by the audience that would never boo him. It was a thinking man’s show: no props, not even faux-propaganda posters Maher himself created – just a folder with reminders of many topics he covers. Maher’s 90-minute monologue delivered what his fans expected – a witty satire, astute social commentary as well as a profound underlying message: don’t just laugh – do something! Richard Goldstein of The Village Voice said it best:” Though his peeves—the war on drugs, the war on sex, the war on men (a/k/a the threat to truth itself)—haven't changed, he's hooked them to a larger idea of what it means to dissent at a time of enforced consensus.”

Bill Maher is one of a handful of Americans who’s not afraid to speak his mind even if it’s offending his fellow compatriots (“the true axis of evil is the brilliance of our marketing and the stupidity of our people.”). He’s mocking not just politicians (“republicans fuck-up and send the PR to polish the turd”), stars or the media (“CNN looping Michael Jackson in his pajamas is not news, it’s a screen-saver”. “I'm sorry, but the local news is not the place for government propaganda. It's the place for car chases, kittens caught in trees and a meteorologist whose previous job was at Hooters).

There are no sacred cows for this outspoken satirist. He ridicules American culture of superficial values (“we’re unable to sort priorities - a naked tit galvanized the nation”), hypocrisy (“those who support the war should go first”) and outright idiocy (“this is America. Knowing nothing and choosing one of two options isn't a poll. It's an election.”) Even the language does not escape attention of this English major. “Global warming” sounds kind of nice; tax cuts to the rich: whatever “trickles down is yours”.

As expected, the stars of his diatribes were George Bush and republicans in general. New polls show total fiasco in many initiatives pushed by this administration. Security at the airports did not improve (“give the job to casinos”); abstinence pledge did not reduce the rate of STD and more girls in those programs choose oral and butt sex (“these kids did with their pledge what everybody does with contracts. They found loopholes. Two of them, to be exact”).

This devout 50-something bachelor is not exactly a feminist. A few liberated women will find some of Maher’s comments a bit offending. Nevertheless, he can get away with it because he paints a bigger picture. Even liberals are fair game for this sharp-tongued shooter:” I know you hear about gas prices over two dollars a gallon and it makes you nearly choke on your four-dollar latte”; “You can't wear a Che Guevara tee-shirt with your designer jeans unless you're trying to be ironic. One is a symbol for impoverished workers. The other was sewn by them. You want to support the poor people in Latin America? Buy more coke.”

In his HBO show Bill Maher comes up with a new set of “Rules” each week. ( For those without the subscription you can find the transcripts at and peruse through The Rules from last year’s shows). Here are just a few pearls:

- On your watch (G.Bush), we've lost almost all of our allies, the surplus, four airliners, two Trade Centers, a piece of the Pentagon and the City of New Orleans... yes, God does speak to you, and what he's saying is, "Take a hint."

- "We, the people" did not include women, blacks, gays or Indians. It took another 200 years to become "We, the Village People...”. Or, as Ben Franklin said at the signing, "Who are we forgetting?"

- there is nothing you can say to a real conservative to convince him abortion should ever be acceptable other than, "Your daughter is pregnant and the father is black”.

- Jennifer Aniston must start dating Osama bin Laden. Our government has spent four years and billions of dollars trying to find him. If we put the job in the hands of the real professionals, the paparazzi, "Osamifer" would be on the next cover of US Weekly.

It’s debatable whether Maher’s “outrageous” mockery or Jon Stewart’s more subdued “fake news” on Daily Show will “galvanize the nation” or alienate the mainstream middle-Americans who will see themselves in that non-flattering reflection. After all, they elected the president who wonders, "IS our children learning?” (No, they ISN’T!) and who, after proposing an alternative to the evolution, “renewed his vow to drive the terrorists straight over the edge of the earth”.

We laugh, we applaud and we go home. Bill Maher is not preaching nor is he offering any solutions, - he is a comedian and an entertainer. But if he makes us think for ourselves, forces us to look in the mirror and confront reality no matter how shocking and offending; if he stirs our desire to cut the strings of the puppet masters and find our way in the fog of misinformation, propaganda and triviality, then he’s done more than any democrat ever did to shake this sorry status quo.