Audio:Is USA A Rogue State?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 February, 2006
AZ Radio IMC

I never post other Radio media here,but this Amsterdam Forum on Radio Netherlands is a great dicussion of "Is USA a Rogue State"? Great listening.

Hello all,

A heated discussion this week with US author William Blum whose book was recently tipped by Osama bin Laden and shot up the bestseller list as a result. He explained his theory in the programme that anti-US terrorism is a direct result of US foreign policy down the years. Your reactions were split evenly between those championing Blum and those finding him repugnant.

Here's a quote from Blum from the discussion: "We asked to be attacked - the attack of 9/11 was in direct retaliation for decades of US foreign policy in the Middle East."

For more, go to:

Next Week: Are the Muhammad cartoons exposing a gulf between Islam and the West? We seem to be witnessing a clash between freedom of religion and freedom of expression - both fundamental rights - so where to now? What do you think? Has the publication of the cartoons exposed a culture clash? Should anything go in terms of freedom of expression? Freedom of expression is limited in other ways; holocaust denial can lead to a prison sentence in some European countries, should limits be imposed elsewhere too?
Have your say, go to:…

Best regards

Andy Clark