National Organizations Call for FEMA Structural Change;
Expose Unmet Needs of Children Struggling in Katrina’s Aftermath
WASHINGTON, D.C. – With the six-month anniversary of Hurricane Katrina quickly approaching, many members of the media are preparing to head to the Gulf Coast region to report on the rebuilding of the area. Yet equally as important as the reconstruction effort is the rebuilding of the lives of those affected. To address the impact of Katrina on the lives of our nation’s youngest citizens, Voices for America’s Children is coordinating a group of national organizations including the Child Welfare League of America, National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies, and the National Mental Health Association, to shed light on the unmet immediate and long-term needs of the many children affected by Hurricane Katrina.
“Katrina’s Lesson: U.S. Disaster Plan Fails Our Youngest Citizens”
Wednesday, February 15th
Tamara Lucas Copeland, President, Voices for America’s Children
Linda Smith, Executive Director, National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies
Dr. Raymond L. Crowel, Vice President, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, National Mental Health Association
Shay Bilchik, President and Chief Executive Officer, Child Welfare League of America
Speakers will present data and take press questions on:
· Unmet child care, child welfare and mental health needs of impacted children;
· Lack of preparedness to assess long-term, slowly-emerging children’s issues;
· Lack of infrastructure and coordination of relief efforts to reach out to displaced children throughout the country;
· How America can protect its most vulnerable citizens in times of disaster.
Fact sheets and speaker bios will be posted on the Voices for America’s Children Web site at on Wednesday, February 15th prior to the audio press conference.
1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202.289.0777 Fax: 202.289.0776
More Information Contact:
Wednesday, February 15, 2005 Tracey Halliday 202.289.0777 ext. 221
Olga Zimonjic 202.289.0777 ext. 206