By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 February, 2006
DJ Tanya - Tashunka Witko Brigade

Radio Essay in English and Spanish. Poignant commentary by Lakota warrior and Tashunka Witko Brigade co-host Wanbli Watakpe on the wall that separates what is colonially known as Mexico and the United States.

The Tashunka Witko Brigade reporting on the ground from indigenous rebel territory under siege in Mexico

Radio Essay in English followed by translation in Spanish (total duration: 31 minutes 45 seconds)

Poignant commentary by Lakota warrior and Tashunka Witko Brigade co-host Wanbli Watakpe on the wall that separates what is colonially known as Mexico and the United States. “As an indigenous person I belong in both sides of this wall, this border drawn by the colonial empires”, he proclaims and adds “…the wall is an insulting aberration, it is like an erection in mother earth that is not wanted, it is not a natural thing, it is forced, a rape, a violation. It is violent, it represents violence in its ugliest form. It is a separation, an isolation, a canonization of a racist policy…Not only does it run down to the ocean but it will extend 500 feet out into the water so that even the dolphin people cannot get back and forth as they cruise up and down the beach… There are 24-7 helicopters in the air doing surveillance. The wall runs down to the beach and along the highway on the Tijuana side. There is actually 3 walls… In between the third and first wall there’s a couple of miles of “buffer” space considered “no man’s land” and that’s where the patrols are, where the colonial military and border agents sit… it is a DMZ, not a border… we do not have a border there, we have a DMZ with military sensors, military machinery and implements, a war zone…”
We open this essay with a prayer in Mayo language by our compa Raul Buitimea and music by Quetzalcoatl, the closing song is “Maldicion de Malinche” by Amparo Ochoa.

The Tashunka Witko Brigade (TWB) focuses on indigenous liberation and gives voice to the indigenous people, the elders, grandmas and warriors on the ground in this our continent. TWB airs on Free Radio Olympia on Tuesdays 3-5 PM PST (with live webstream at and on Berkeley Liberation Radio anytime without warning.

La Brigada Tashunka Witko reportando desde territorio rebelde indigena bajo sitio en Mexico

Ensayo radial en ingles con traduccion al español (duracion total: 31 minutos 45 segundos)

Descripcion: Comentario de Wanbli Watakpe, guerrero Lakota y co-presentador de la Brigada Tashunka Witko, sobre el muro que divide los territorios colonialmente denominados Mexico y Estados Unidos. “Como indigena, pertenezco en los dos lados de este muro, esta frontera marcada por los imperios coloniales”, proclama Wanbli Watakpe y agrega “…Este muro es como una ereccion forzada en la madre tierra, algo no natural, una violacion, es violento, representa la violencia en su forma mas aborrecible, es una separacion, aislamiento, y la canonizacion de una politica racista… Y no solo llega hasta el mar sino que se va a extender 500 pies dentro del mar y hasta los delfines van a tener que lidiar con este obstaculo. Hay helicopteros patrullando las 24 horas del dia todos los dias. El muro va desde la playa a lo largo de la ruta al lado de Tijuana, y en realidad hay 3 muros…Entre estos muros se encuentra “la tierra de nadie” donde el ejercito colonial y agentes fronterizos patrullan. Esto no es una frontera, es una zona militarizada, con sensores, maquinaria, e implementos militares, un territorio en guerra.”
Abrimos este ensayo con una bendicion en idioma Mayo por el compañero Raul Buitimea y musica de Quetzalcoatl. La cancion del final es “Maldicion de Malinche” por Amparo Ochoa.

La Brigada Tashunka Witko (TWB) da voz a los verdaderos protagonistas de la liberacion indigena, los abuelos y los guerreros que estan en la lucha cada dia en nuestro continente. Salimos al aire por Free Radio Olympia (con webstream en Los martes 3-5 PM PST, y por Berkeley Liberation Radio en cualquier horario y sin aviso.