DC-"Burned out pot head" shuts power to police HQ, and more schools vs stadiums

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2006
WSQT Guerilla Radio 87.9 in C

I saw the damnedest thing in a local paper about the electical outage yesterday: The part that burne out (causing a cascading outage)is called a "pot head!"

It may not smoke pot, but it sure can smoke. Anyway, somebody said that yesterday was the day that pot heads got revenge against the DC police for all those pot busts. If this doesn't rock, nothing does.

On a more serious note, if a bad part in one building can knock out the power for blocks, maybe those who are predicting an unstable grid and blackouts in the near future are right.

Also included: CFO Ganhi now claims DC cannot afford the school modernization bill passed the same day as the stadium package. Wonder WHY?