This Week's Majority World

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 February, 2006
Robbie Sinnott

53min mp3 64kbps.

Social Justice, Global Isues and matters multicultural broadcast on Dublin Community radio station Near FM 101.6 in conjunction with indymedia.

Intro (1min)

Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink on her experiences in wartime Iraq. (16mins – an indymedia Binghamton recording).

Emilio from Irish Basque Committees on the “18/98 show-trials in Madrid”, and onsloughts against Basque identity from Spanish governments, ‘Socialist’ and Conservative). (10mins – live phone interview).

Barry Finnegan on the European Services Directive and the European Social Forum. (17 mins – live phone interview).

music: two tracks from Limerick international group Melting Pot; one song from Somalia, and a fiddle piece from Kurdistan (the part currently under Iranian jurisdiction). (1+1min – recording by Loughlin Mac Curtain of West Limerick Community Radio).

music: Susana Baka and end (5mins).
