Irish Newspaper falsely accuses a trade union of organising sectarian demonstation

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 March, 2006

Audio files where an Irish journalist makes false claims that a small Irish trade union was responsible for organising a demonstration that turned into a riot in Dublin at the end of February 2006. These files are ancillary to an Indymedia Ireland front page feature.

Frank Fitzgibbon is on public record on RTÉ's Questions and Answers (aired on 27th February 2006) as saying that he has with him a leaflet "from the Independent Worker's Union and it states quite clearly that they want counter demonstrations on the day". The section of the show where Frank Fitzgibbon makes these claims has been recorded and made available for download as an audio file (1min30s) in both Ogg Vorbis (450kB) and MP3 (700kB) formats.

Tech Notes: Ogg Vorbis is an efficient, open and patent-free format for storing audio information. It can be played using VLC and most other Free Software media players. Plugins are also available for WinAmp and other proprietary software.