Berkley Liberation Radio FCC comes a knockin (yet again)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 March, 2006
Skidmark Bob

Interview with Gerald Smith of Berkley Liberation Radio 104fm about their FCC visit on 02-21-06 also some of the history of BLR spawned from the infamous Free Radio Berkley

Interview broadcast recorded live on Free radio Santa Cruz 101fm
an unlicensed microradio station much like BLR

Please Donate to BLR they are in need of a website and help digitizing station, computers, legal, money, equipment, knowhow, traning etc...please help!!

Berkely Liberation Radio
Pob 2000
2140 Shattuck ave.
Berkely California

(510) 655-5764

Only known website:

Slave Revolt Radio: