Protestors keep IMF delegates up ALL NIGHT at their hotels

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 April, 2006
WSQT Guerilla Radio 87.9 in DC

Here is coverage from WSQT Guerilla Radio of the weekend's events. The Hotel March as a "Snake march with the bite of a King Cobra,and the soccer riot was a blast-Real soccer, real riot-No Sleep for the Wicked!

Audio is an intro, coverage of "Hotel March," and of that incredible 3AM wake up call, the IMF Soccer Riot.

Protestors opposing the IMF Spring Meetigs in DC adopted a new strategy this year. We ignored the heavily fortified meeting zone. Instead, we crashed their hotel parties, even entering one of the hotels.

At 3AM that same night, protestors staged the "IMF Soccer Riot," where air horns pierced the stillness of the night and soccer balls were kicked through barricaded streets. With the streets blocked off at both ends with orange traffic control barrels and yellow tape, it resembled an old-school Reclaim the Streets!

We stayed there from about 3:30AM when we arrived until the delegates loaded onto their busses to go to IMF and Wolrld Bank headquarters at about 8AM.

Finally, while we slept they had to meet on how to steal, divide up and destroy our Earth with hangovers, indigestion,and a brutal sleepless night!