The Washington Post is asking where the protestors were this weekend. Well, we were breaking up IMF delegate parties and keeping them up while Washington Post reporters were SLEEPING!
At the same time, the Post is now saying the IMF should be shut down! This is on the grounds that the Latino nations paying off IMF loans with Venezualan oil money combined wiht China's ignoring the IMF and other Asian nations assembling their own currency reserves had made it irrelevent.
The Post also is lamenting the failure of the Doha round of trade talks that have gone NOWHERE since Seattle. In short, the Post, while claiming we are ten years too late, ignores the fact that 6-8 years of protest have been what stopped the Doha round and gave nations the courage to say NO to the IMF.
Where is the antiglobalization movement? We're WINNING! Shit-where is globalizations with Latin America turning left, GMO foods banned almost everywhere, the IMF being called "irrelevent," and the FTAA almost dead?
CAFTA, et all are still out there, so our job isn't done yet. Still, we have the advantage. Just as the US Army is stuck in Iraqi flypaper, economic corporate globalization is also being defeated one country at a time.
There may even be a linkage between the courage of Latino nations and the Iraq war. This is because so long as US troops are mired in Iraq, they ar little threat to Bolivia, Peru, Brazil,Venezuala et all.
Hey IMF-the music's over, so turn out the lights on your way out of your new building!