An informed critique of U.S. foreign policy by one of the nation's leading activisits. Richard Becker is Western Regional Coordinator of A.N.S.W.E.R. and member of editorial board for Socialism & Liberation magazine. (57:05)
The Expanding U.S. War Drive & the Forces Resisting It. Richard Becker gave this informal talk in April 2006 at the legendary Pegasus Coffee House on Bainbridge Island WA (without notes or props, btw). He had recently returned from Syria. This savvy account should put to rest the naive belief that activists tend to be uninformed.
Richard Becker is the Western Regional Coordinator of A.N.S.W.E.R. and a member of the editorial board for Socialism and Liberation magazine. His April 2006 tour of the Northwest included stops in Seattle, Bainbridge, Bellingham and Olympia.
Recording by Crow Moom Sound