Today in Palestine

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 May, 2006


The Israeli Army orders a school in Jenin to remove the Palestinian flag, Army detains Palestinian Press photographer in Bethlehem, Israeli soldiers invade Al-Khader village, beat two children, Israeli Army invades the West Bank city of Nablus, Right-wing Jewish extremists try to set fire to a mosque in Hifa, Army invades Tammon village and the Army arrests resident from Al Hashmia village


The Israeli Army orders a school in Jenin to remove the Palestinian flag,

An Israeli army unit stormed the Zobda high school for boys west of the West Bank city of Jenin and ordered the administration to take down the Palestinian flag, on Tuesday morning
Soldiers, driving past the school, stopped and forced entry it then ordered the teachers to remove the Palestinian flag, the principle reported.
He added that this is not the first time that the army have done this, sometimes they remove the flag themselves when the school is closed.

Army detains Palestinian Press photographer in Bethlehem

Ahmad Mizher,a photographer for the Palestinian news agency Wafa, was detained by the Israeli army after photographing the new military checkpoint
Mizher was near entrance of of Al Khader village in the area of the West Bank city of Bethlehem when troops decided to confiscate his camera and detain him for an hour, eyewitnesses reported
local and international journalists have been killed, injured or jailed since the start of this Intifada
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Israeli soldiers invade Al-Khader village, beat two children

Tuesday afternoon , Israeli soldiers, backed by armored vehicles, invaded the West Bank village of Al-Khader, west of Bethlehem.  The troops  broke into Palestinian homes and conducted wide scale searches, local sources reported
The residents affirmed that the soldiers were violent to people in their own homes, and beat two youths . Other soldiers, who were deployed around the schools , held up several students on their way home and forced them to stand by the wall of their schools with their hands up for over half an hour. No injuries were reported
An Israeli military spokesperson said that their procedures were conducted after Palestinian youths from the area hurled stones at settlers' vehicles crossing the settlers' bypass road near Al-Khder village, the window of one of the cars was shattered, another settler' vehicle was hit by stones whilst crossing Al- Liban Al Sharqeyah village close to the West Bank city of Ramallah. No injuries were reported from either incident.

Israeli Army invades the West Bank city of Nablus

The Israeli army invaded the West Bank city of Nablus, on Tuesday morning
The Israeli Army stormed the city and fired randomly at residents homes which caused a case of panic amongst civilians, no arrests were made but army was deliberately provoking the stone throwing youth to clash with them, local sources reported.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right-wing Jewish extremists try to set fire to a mosque in Hifa

A group of right-wing Jewish extremists tried to set fire to Al Manshia mosque, in the city of Hifa late Monday evening
According to Al Shikh Mohamed Madi, the head of the Islamic Movement in the city, the group of men and women smashed the main door with logs and set it on fire
Residents rushed to the burning mosque an in attempt to extinguish the fire, then called the fire; brigades, Madi said
Similar groups have attacked this mosque and other Palestinian holy sites previously in Hifa.

The Israeli Army arrests two youth from Ithna village in Hebron

Ja'far Salimi and Khaled Nimir were arrested from the village of Ithna, in the West Bank city of Hebron, Tuesday at dawn
Israeli army troops invaded the village and searched several homes before arresting the two and taking them to unknown locations
The two are Palestinian Authority police officers in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, local sources reported.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Army invades Tammon village

The Israeli army invaded the village of Tammon, east of the West Bank city of Jenin, Tuesday at dawn
Army jeeps entered the village and troops searched residents' homes and nearby farming lands.; No arrests were made, local residents said.

Ahmad Hamran was arrested when the Israeli army invaded the village of Al Hashmia, in the West Bank city of Jenin, on Tuesday morning
Soldiers stormed residents' homes and arrested Hamran, who is the local Mo'athen of the village, while he was going to the dawn prayers at the local mosque, eyewitnesses reported.


And that’s just some of the news for today in Palestine. For constant updates, check out the International Middle East Media Center website, As always, thanks for joining us. From Occupied Bethlehem, this is today in Palestine brought to you by Pennie Quinton and Ghassan Bannoura