How to survive encounters with law enforcement officials from initial contact through the arrest procedure what to say and more importantly what not to say to law enforcement, how to handle questioning, the rights of minors and non U.S. citizens.
Katya Komosaruk, a Criminal defense lawyer and author of “Beat the Heat” How to handle Encounters with Law Enforcement she currently practices law in Santa Cruz California in the 1980’s she was active in the anti- nuclear weapons movement and did five years in prison for a plowshares action where she studied law and became a criminal defense lawyer. I interviewed her on Free radio Santa Cruz in April 2006.
Katya runs the website information in detail about the very subject of today’s show.
In our interview we discuss how to survive encounters with law enforcement officials from initial contact through the arrest procedure what to say and more importantly what not to say to law enforcement, how to handle questioning, the rights of minors and non U.S. citizens and infiltration of activist groups.
Also in this weeks show we feature clips I recorded from Police encounters in Santa Cruz and music by Paleface.
Sprouts is a weekly program produced in collaboration with community radio stations and independent producers across the country that features local radio production from many radio stations and local media groups. The program is offered free of charge to all radio stations. For information, or if you would like to feature your work on Sprouts, contact Ursula Ruedenberg at