By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 May, 2006


Two Palestinians Killed in Nablus in pre-dawn Israeli invasion, Army invades several villages near Bethlehem and arrests four, Three residents arrested in Hebron, Army assaults a medical patient at a military checkpoint near Tubas, Palestinian prisoner released after 32 months of administrative detention. The Israeli Army seize a car belonging to a resident from Kofer Ra'e village, Army invades north of the Gaza strip, Army continue to hold Arqaba village south east of Nablus under siege


Two Palestinians Killed in Nablus in pre-dawn Israeli invasion

Two Palestinians were killed and a third was injured and arrested when a large Israeli military force invaded the West Bank city of Nablus in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Palestinian sources reported.
Mustafa Abdul Ghani from a village near Tulkarem and Othman Sadaka from Anza village near Jenin were killed when the Israeli soldiers surrounded the house where they were staying.
Local sources reported that the two belong to the Islamic Jihad organization and exchanged fire with the soldiers who attempted to enter the building
The third man was not identified however, eyewitnesses said his wounds were serious and he was bleeding when taken by the soldiers to an unknown destination
Ambulances were stopped for over an hour before the soldiers allowed paramedics to enter the building by the time they arrived the two were dead, according to an eyewitness report
Troops also assaulted Ameed Al-Maani, a photo-journalist who works for a local TV station, when he refused to stop photographing, witnesses said
The eight other residents arrested in the invasion were identified as Jalal Fakhoury 16, Bashar Mismar 21, Mohammad Na'na'a 19, Rajab Al-Aghbar, Huthaifay Istiyah and one woman Nadia Aqouba.
Troops also arrested two paramedics who were in the area on duty; the two were identified as Luay and Moayyad Qassas from Nablus, and were taken to unknown locations
Nablus has been subject to an ongoing military operation that escalates when the army invades the city to assassinate or arrest resistance operatives.

The Israeli army arrested four residents after invading several villages around the West Bank city of Bethlehem, Wednesday at dawn
Troops and army jeeps stormed the village of Jenata, to the east of the city, surrounded the house of Mostafa Al Oroje, the mayor of the Jenata, then arrested him and took him to unknown location, eyewitnesses reported
Meanwhile another force entered the village of Za'tra also to the east of the city and arrested Mohamed Hassan, 21, he also was taken to unknown location
In Al Obadia village soldiers invaded and searched several residents' homes before arresting two youth and taking then away, with no names issued, local sources said
Three residents arrested in Hebron
Three residents arrested from the West Bank city of Hebron and refugee camp after the Israeli army conducted an arrest campaign , Wednesday at dawn.<
Army jeeps and soldiers stormed homes in the city, before arresting Bassel Al Shareef, 23, and Amen Al Natsha, the two then were taken to unknown locations
Hassan Jawabra, 24, who lives in Al Arob refugee camp in Hebron city, was arrested after Israeli troops stopped him at a military checkpoint in the city whilst on the way to school, local sources reported.

Army assaults a medical patient at a military checkpoint near Tubas

Israeli soldiers stationed at Tyaeasser checkpoint near the West Bank city of Tubas, assaulted a medical patient on his way to get treatment, late Tuesday night
Sami Nimir, who lives in Tubas, was attacked by the soldiers while crossing the military checkpoint to go to a nearby hospital for treatment, after hitting him the soldiers allowed him to go, he said.
Palestinian prisoner released after 32 months of administrative detention

Abd Al Baset Mo'tan, 32, was released after serving 32 months of an Israeli administrative jail sentence, on Wednesday morning
Mo'tan, who is a resident of Boraka village near the West Bank city of Rammallah, was working as a teacher in Al Ram village in Jerusalem, and was fired because his school were annexed by the wall and he holds a west bank ID card
The Israeli authorities extended his arrest more than 6 times, and this was not his first arrest, he was been arrested seven times totaling seven years in jail, the prisoners society in Rammallah reported
An Israeli army undercover force seized a taxi car that is owned by resident form Kofer Ra'e village near the west bank city of Jenin, Wednesday morning
The soldiers were wearing civilian clothes when they stopped the taxi and forced the passengers at gun point then hi jacked the car then went towards the nearby village of Araba, eyewitnesses reported.
An Israeli army force invaded the northern areas of Biet Hanon town north of the Gaza strip, Wednesday afternoon
Several tanks and army bulldozers entered those areas coming from Ariz border crossing for more than 800 metres inside the town, and intiated a Combing operation across the area, eyewitnesses told PNN correspondent
According to Israeli radio reports the troops do not plan to stay for long time and this operation aims to dismantle explosive devices planted in the area near the fence between Gaza strip and Israel
Local residents said this is not the first time that army has invaded the area this week
The Israeli army continued its siege of Arqaba village south east of the West Bank city of Nablus which has lasted for more than four days, this Wednesday
Jaodat Bani Jaber, the mayor of the village said that the army installed a military checkpoint at the village entrance four days ago and is preventing residents under the age of 30 from leaving the village, and the situation is on going

And that’s just some of the news for today in Palestine. For constant updates, check out the International Middle East Media Center website, As always, thanks for joining us. From Occupied Bethlehem, this is the Daily News from Palestine brought to you by Pennie Quinton, Fida Ghareeb and Ghassan Bannora.