For the third time in five days, protestors in DC visited the homes of notorious war pigs! This time we chose as targets the palatial home of Sen Majority leader Bill Frist-and of Intelligence Czar John Negroponte, a notorious war criminal. As we left a Negroponte goon detained one person.
He jumped out of the garage of the Negroponte home at 3100 Cleveland Ave and grabbed for one person who was a little slow to gdt on his bike to leave! The rest of us came boiling back, but he refused to let go. Finally, the police took over and released our companero without charges.
Had we not returned, there is a good chance this security goon, described as "CIA police" would have dragged our man into his garag where anything could happen. This would be entirely consistant with Negroponte's record of TERRORIsM, TORTURE, DISAPPEARANCES, etc in Central America. He was heavily involved in Reagan's wars in both Nicaragua and El Salvador.
Afterwards, he was quoted as having said to the cops "The ambassador wants someone arrested for disturbing the peace." Negroponte is no longer an ambassador but used to reprresent the US in IRAQ!
Instead of abandoning one of our own, of course, we returned, neighbors came out to watch, and he said to his target "I'm detaining you until the police arrive." This statement, of course, implies that he is NOT the police and therefore may be lawfully resisted.
Anyway, John Negroponte had an absolutely miserable night, and I'll bet his garage boy did too for fucking up.
Now the whole world knows about the spooky nature of 3100 Cleveland Ave! For us,it wasn't even first on the menu, as we first visited Bill Frist's palatial estate to protest his attempts to tack amendments onto the immigration bill. His home is so huge that you can watch his giant screed TV from the security keypad that controls the gate in teh fence that surrounds his property.
No Sleep for the Wicked-that means YOU, John Negroponte at 3100 Cleveland Ave!