Report Back from South of the Border

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 May, 2006
Diamond Dave Whitaker

Author John Ross Interviewed on May 23, 2006

Eyewitness to the other campaign, John Ross describes the upcoming elections in Mexico. On July 2, the nation will vote for federal and local candidates, but the globalization of the media and the border clampdown has created a situation where a large part of the immigrant population will not be able to vote. Trapped north of the border, and subject to the corporate fear campaigns, only a tiny percentage of the immigrant population will be able to vote by mail. The long-fought battle for absentee voting will amount to a negligible portion of the elegible taking part.

The discussion also turns to Delegate Zero, formerly known as Subcommandante Marcos, and his role in the current campaign of fear the Mexican media is conductiing prior to the elections. His role as a delegate, and in the previous year's call to red-alert for Ciapas is discussed, as is the people's state of affairs under the Fox regime.

The strife in San Salvador Atenco is also discussed at length, with references to Narco News coverage for attribution. "Free-trade" makes serfs of us all.

John Ross has authored three books on Ciapas, and a fourth is upcoming from Nation Books

- David Grace

Running time 1hr 20min

San Francisco, CA
415 440 5530