By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 September, 2010
Michael Slate

Director Leslie Carde, discusses her film "America Betrayed" and the
rampant corruption and profit-grabbing -- from the government, to
the Army Corps of Engineers, to corporations -- that led to the
devastation of New Orleans.

Davida Finger, Law Professor and co-author of the "Katrina Pain
Index," reveals the truth about the so-called recovery and
rebuilding of New Orleans from the perspective of the people who
live there.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 August, 2010
Susan Galleymore and Raising Sand Radio

After 20 years on Georgia's death row and several stays of execution Troy Davis has one more week of life. Or does he? The justice system has refused his appeals and set his execution date four times. Is the fourth time the last?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 August, 2010
Kè Huelga Radio

El Espacio de Noticias intenta comunicar la resistencia de los pueblos contra el mostruo capital y sus gobiernos sirvientes. Se elabora en Ciudad Monstruo, México y forma parte del proyecto radial de la Ké Huelga Radio. Esta es la edición del 24 de agosto de 2010.

En esta edición, entre otros temas, hablamos de:

El SME como en el tango “fumando espero”

Guanajuato: sigue la presión de la empresa en la mina El Cubo

Chile: La lucha de los mapuches

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 August, 2010
Michael Slate

The Fifth Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina: What Began as a Natural Disaster Was Turned into A Crime Against Humanity. Featuring voices of Survivors of and Evacuees from New Orleans and the Devastation of Hurricane Katrina

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 August, 2010
Susan Galleymore and Raising Sand Radio

An update from author activist Dahr Jamail who just returned from the disaster zone in the Gulf of Mexico. Despite what we are being told in the media, all is not coming right in the Gulf - in fact, it has been turned into a vast toxic lake.
Then Kayhan Irani, artivista and playwright with the Theater of the Oppressed recently returned from Kabul, Afghanistan where she conducted and facilitated workshops for Afghan actors and artists.

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