By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 April, 2004
porltand imc contributor


This 2-minute audio cilp of George W. Bush, slightly edited from his April 13, 2004 prime time press conference, is all you really need to know about GWB and the war on Iraq.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 April, 2004
Augusto Cesar Sandino Segundo

Una intrevista con Gema Lopez Limon acerca de derechos laborales en las malquiladoras en Mexicali, Mexico.
An interview with Gema Lopez Limon about labor rights in the factories in Mexicali, Mexico.

Una intrevista con Gema Lopez Limon acerca de derechos laborales en las malquiladoras en Mexicali, Mexico. AC Sandino y Miguel halban con ella acerca de la lucha por sindicatos independientes, el comercio libre, la ALCA, y la politica. La intrevista es una hora y tiene un poco de musica tabien.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 April, 2004
ben frank

bush answer to "what's your biggest mistake"

uncut... backed by billy bragg, no power without accountability

including such gems as:
~ 'even without the wmds, i'd still take out saddam
~' the weapons might still be found, they might be hiding 50 tons of mustard gas on a turkey farm

and lots of long pauses while bush stumbles for an answer..... this is classic bush... he's not a leader at all, he's like a high school kid trying to sneak by without getting caught.... he is such a fraud!!!