By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 September, 2003
EEF Mobilisation team

here comes the latest information about the European Education Forum which will take place simultaniously during the summit of the European education ministers from September 18-20 2003 in Berlin, Germany.

Opening plenary

The opening plenary starts on Thursday, September 18th at 10am. We will welcome you and give you a short introduction to the idea and development of the EEF. You will also be given a short overview of the topical European developments in education policy and some technical information concerning the timetable of the EEF and your accommodation.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2003


By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2003


By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2003


By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2003
Danielle Hickie - Greenpeace

WTO-Ministerkonferenz in Cancún/Mexiko die Entwicklungsländer unter Druck setzen, ihre Märkte weiter für US-amerikanische und genmanipulierte Produkte zu öffnen, protestiert Greenpeace gegen ein Schiff mit genmanipuliertem Mais aus den USA. Es ist die erste Einfuhr von Gen-Mais nach Mexiko seit dem gestrigen Inkrafttreten des Cartagena-Protokolls zur biologischen Sicherheit (Biosafety-Protokoll).

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2003
Danielle Hickie - Greenpeace

Navy ships are circling the Arctic Sunrise and the Ikan Altamira

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2003

orrrriight! doin' us proud there maaaaaaaaaaaate! keep them reports comin', ya bogan.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2003

We are chained to the anchor chain of the ship the Alta Mira off Vera Cruz. The Alta Mira is carrying genetically modified maize - this is the sound clip from the bridge.

We have stopped a ship!

Early this morning we took action against a ship delivering an illegal shipment of genetically engineered maize to the Mexican port of Vera Cruz.Activists are currently on the anchor chain, preventing the offloading of the contaminated shipment.


By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2003


Thanks for the cool interview. I only wish I could hear it all.

This segement is cut off. Then, the other two uploads have a different format. I was able to get this one to work via real media. The other two didn't work. I'd recommend that you upload mp3 or real audio only -- just my 2 cents

