By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2006
Skidmark Bob
By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2006
Skidmark Bob

In studio interview /performance with Jim Page singer songwriter political activist. Also sharing tracks from his new upcomming release "Head Full Of Pictures"
The Interview took place on 06-17-2006 Live on FRSC

Jim Page Began playing guitar at 15. Went to New York in 1970, Seattle in '71. Changed street singing laws in '74. Went to Europe in '77, began touring and living abroad. Returned to Seattle in 1983 where he still lives.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2006
thanner and faffs

Radio show about everything home made. about 45 min.
this week featuring Danny of Jahova's Fitness and Xian, our new room mate. Danny shares 4 awesome songs. We eat confetti spagetti. There's a new zine segment and a french guy segment.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2006
Heidi Lorraine

Theoretically stellar Japanese hardcore/thrash show fails to pan out!!! Tech-no-logic-kill difficulties. A single cord brought the whole show to a halt. Listen to what made it and to how dainty Miss Heidi Lorraine can truly be.
Full version hopefully to follow.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2006
Dire Wolf

2hr interview with Michale Tsarion.
Main topic is 2012 and Origins of Civilization in Ireland
Duration: 156min
File size: 71.5MB

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2006
Ivan Seidenberg and Ed Whitacre
By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2006
Ivan Seidenberg and Ed Whitacre

Radio PSAs for the May 24th Out(r)age protests. Connect with the more straightforward pieces at the url below.