By Anonymous (not verified) , 30 April, 2006

28 de abril de 2006. El subcomandante Insurgente Marcos del EZLN, llega a la zona oriente de la ciudad de México, dentro de las actividades del primer recorrido nacional para escuchar y organizar juntos la indignación, parte de las actividades de La Otra Campaña

By Anonymous (not verified) , 30 April, 2006
AZ Radio IMC

41:15 Audio during National day Protest against War in Phoenix Az. Bloody march in front of Sen Kyl office,Interview of Iraq Vet Leonard Clark running for Senate,and words from local Billioniares For Bush group.

16 kbps

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 April, 2006

paste the following into your itunes or winamp or the like player as a url, and you will hear the stream!!

Peace Tower By Night
with words and music by Irving Petlin, Arnold Mesches, John Weber, Elise Gardella for Paul Chan, DeeDee Halleck, Matthew Day Jackson, Michael Ratner, Martha Rosler, Lynne Stewart, Apeshit, Japanther, John Giorno, Momus, New Humans, and Nora York, among others

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 April, 2006
Atomic Girl

On April 28, hundreds of students walked out from their high schools (& middle schools) to demand an end to all wars. This is the beginning of the march (in the rain!) from Northrup Hall at the U of MN. (2:12:03)

On April 28, hundreds of students walked out from their high schools (& middle schools) to demand an end to all wars. This is the beginning of the march (in the rain!) from Northrup Hall at the U of MN. (2:12:03)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 April, 2006
Progetto Radio Scatola Nera

Ascoltiamo l'intervento di Angelo Miotto, giornalista di Radio Popolare di Milano che presenterà il suo libro Storie Basche uscito nel 2005 per NDA Edizioni.

La presentazione si è tenuta venerdì 28 aprile nella fiasketteria del Centro Sociale Autogestito Il Molino di Lugano

Registrazione a cura di Progetto Radio Scatola Nera