By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2006
Melbourne Indymedia Radio 3CR 855am

The indymedia radio show of the 29th March 2006 from 3cr radio melbourne, australia. features local, nation, regional and global indymedia news features, and activist tech news. Includes: US in Colombia, German P2P's face prison, Belarussian activists mass arrests... and much more. Approx 1 hour. (16MB, MP3)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2006
Melbourne Indymedia Radio 3CR 855am

The indymedia radio show of the 22nd March 2006 from 3cr radio melbourne, australia. features local, nation, regional and global indymedia news features, and activist tech news. 1 hour.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2006
suuAuuu/ Radio ¡30-30!
By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2006
suuAuuu/ Radio ¡30-30!
By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2006
suuAuuu/ Radio ¡30-30!
By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2006
suuAuuu/ Radio ¡30-30!

El sábado 1 de abril de 2006, como parte de las actividades de La Otra Campaña en la ciudad de México, se realizó la Guelasexta, una fiesta comunitaria por la Sexta.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 April, 2006
Krijtje v.d. Stoep

Tonight via internetreedio Koekoeroe: the feminist program "gillende keukenmeiden", 20-22
click on live stream or programmering.
via programmering to be listened all week.